Resilient Computing Lab

Welcome to RCL

This is the new website of the Resilient Computing Lab. The Resilient Computing Lab is a team and laboratory affiliated with the Department of Mathematics and Informatics at the University of Florence. 

See the latest news about the activities of the lab!


The Resilient Computing Lab is a team and laboratory affiliated with the Department of Mathematics and Informatics at the University of Florence. 

RCL research activities focus mainly in research and experimentation of dependable and secure systems, infrastructures and systems of systems. RCL is currently involved in research spanning the following areas:

  • Design and experimentation of architectures and techniques for resilient, safety-critical and secure systems;
  • Quantitative evaluation of dependability, security and Quality of Service through analytical, simulative and experimental techniques;
  • Applications of Machine Learning Techniques (especially Anomaly Detection) in the domain of Critical Systems.

Details on where we are, who we are, and our projects are available on this website.

You are encouraged to contact us if you need any further information.


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