Resilient Computing Lab

List of publications

The entire list of publications can be found:

- on Google Scholar: see the RCL Scholar Group (whole set of publications)

- Staff Members have also a complete archive on Flore, managed by our University and constantly updated.

Highlights: most relevant and recent publications


Tommaso Zoppi, Stefano Gazzini, Andrea Ceccarelli, Anomaly-based error and intrusion detection in tabular data: No DNN outperforms tree-based classifiers, Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 160, 2024, Pages 951-965, ISSN 0167-739X,
Zoppi, T., Ceccarelli, A. & Bondavalli, A. A Strategy for Predicting the Performance of Supervised and Unsupervised Tabular Data Classifiers. Data Sci. Eng. (2024).

F. Vitale, S. Guarino, F. Flammini, L. Faramondi, N. Mazzocca and R. Setola, "Process Mining for Digital Twin Development of Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 866-875, Jan. 2025, doi: 10.1109/TII.2024.3465600

M. S. Azari, L. Ricci, S. Santini and F. Flammini, "An Intelligent Diagnostic Framework Based on Digital Twins and Partial Transfer Learning: Methodology and Industrial Application," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, vol. 3, pp. 1-13, 2025, doi: 10.1109/TICPS.2024.3490502


Atif, M., Ceccarelli, A., Zoppi, T., & Bondavalli, A. (2023). Tolerate Failures of the Visual Camera With Robust Image Classifiers. IEEE Access11, 5132-5143.

Zoppi, T., Ceccarelli, A., Puccetti, T., & Bondavalli, A. (2023). Which algorithm can detect unknown attacks? Comparison of supervised, unsupervised and meta-learning algorithms for intrusion detection. Computers & Security127, 103107.

Ceccarelli, A., & Montecchi, L. (2023). Evaluating Object (Mis) Detection From a Safety and Reliability Perspective: Discussion and Measures. IEEE Access.

Mariotti, F., Bondavalli, A., Lollini, P., Montecchi, L., & Nardi, S. (2023). An extension of the ADVISE Meta modeling framework and its application for an early-stage security analysis of a public transport supervision system. Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments, 1-19.

Zoppi, T., Mungiello, I., Ceccarelli, A., Cirillo, A., Sarti, L., Esposito, L., ... & Bondavalli, A. (2023). Safe Maintenance of Railways using COTS Mobile Devices: The Remote Worker Dashboard. ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems7(4), 1-20.



Flammini, F., Alcaraz, C., Bellini, E., Marrone, S., Lopez, J., & Bondavalli, A. (2022). Towards trustworthy autonomous systems: Taxonomies and future perspectives. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing.

Gharib, M., Ceccarelli, A., Lollini, P., & Bondavalli, A. (2022). A cyber–physical–social approach for engineering Functional Safety Requirements for automotive systems. Journal of Systems and Software189, 111310.

Ceccarelli, A., & Secci, F. (2022). RGB cameras failures and their effects in autonomous driving applications. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing.

Gharib, M., Zoppi, T., & Bondavalli, A. (2022). On the properness of incorporating binary classification machine learning algorithms into safety-critical systems. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing10(4), 1671-1686.

Atif, M., Zoppi, T., Gharib, M., & Bondavalli, A. (2022). Towards enhancing traffic sign recognition through sliding windows. Sensors22(7), 2683.



Montecchi, L., Lollini, P., & Bondavalli, A. (2021). Stochastic Activity Networks Templates: Supporting Variability in Performability Models. IEEE Transactions on Reliability71(2), 640-656.

Zoppi, T., Ceccarelli, A., Capecchi, T., & Bondavalli, A. (2021). Unsupervised anomaly detectors to detect intrusions in the current threat landscape. ACM/IMS Transactions on Data Science2(2), 1-26.

Zoppi, T., Ceccarelli, A., & Bondavalli, A. (2021). Unsupervised algorithms to detect zero-day attacks: Strategy and application. Ieee Access9, 90603-90615.

Zoppi, T., & Ceccarelli, A. (2021). Prepare for trouble and make it double! Supervised–Unsupervised stacking for anomaly-based intrusion detection. Journal of Network and Computer Applications189, 103106.

Zoppi, T., Gharib, M., Atif, M., & Bondavalli, A. (2021). Meta-learning to improve unsupervised intrusion detection in cyber-physical systems. ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems (TCPS)5(4), 1-27.


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