Resilient Computing Lab

DEsign, Verification and VAlidation of large scale, dynamic Service SystEmS

The DEVASSES project aims at taking a step forward in the design and deployment of large-scale, dynamic service-based software systems by supporting the transfer of knowledge on novel state of the art methods, techniques, and tools for both design-time and run-time verification and validation. The goal is to reinforce existing partners’ cooperation through a coordinated program of exchange of researchers, taking as context a common research problem, which provides the frame for the project scientific activities and cannot currently be tackled by any of the partners individually.

The project includes joint research activities, focused training activities, and joint workshops, designed to exploit complementary expertise and to create synergies among the partners, establishing the basis for sustainable future cooperation at different levels, including: co-advising of PhD students, joint organization of international events (workshops, conferences, summer schools, etc.), participation in bilateral project proposals, participation in large-scale international project proposals, etc.

The consortium includes:

  • University of Coimbra (Portugal)
  • University of Florence (Italy)
  • Unicamp - State University of Campinas (Brazil)
  • Federal University of Alagoas (Brazil)

This project has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. PIRSES-GA-2013-612569.


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