Email: tommaso.puccetti (AT)
PhD Topic: Early Detection of Unknown Attacks with Algorithms for Structured Data
List of Publications: Google Scholar, FLORE Profile
Email: fahadahmed.khokhar(AT)
Thesis Topic: Software Architectures for Trustworthy Machine Learning
Research interests: Resilient computing; Computer Vision; Fault detection and Tolerance; Safety and Security; Anomaly Detection.
List of Publications: Google Scholar
Email: marzieh.kordi(AT) , marzieh.kordi(AT)
Research interests: Safety and Security of Cyber-Physical-Systems, Security of IoT, IIoT, Modelling and Assessing Dependability of CPS, Digital Twins, FIWARE, MDE
Email: jacopo.vezzosi(AT)
Research interests: “Arancino” IoT device; resilient computing; fault detection and tolerance; intrusion detection